الثلاثاء، 11 يناير 2011

aljazeera present arab and english news
this image is very good of show the main basic of news and information

Iraq and Iran meet 'as friends' "football"

Iran coach Ghotbi said he hoped that the Asian Cup Group D match against Iraq could help to 'mend hearts' [Reuters]

Iraq scored one of sport's unlikely successes when they won the Asian Cup four years ago and it would be almost as big a surprise if they retained the trophy after kicking off their Group D campaign against neighbours Iran on Tuesday.
A meeting between Iran and Iraq naturally evokes memories of their 1980-88 war but both camps were eager to emphasise the sporting aspect of their rivalry on Monday.
Waleed Tabra, Iraq's general manager, said on Monday that none of the players or coaching staff would be thinking of anything other than winning the match.
Tabra told the Reuters news agency: "Iran and Iraq are friendly neighbours. We have a shared border, a deep history and relationship that goes back centuries.
"We have the same religions, Iranians marry Iraqis, Iraqis marry Iranians, it's good for the two countries.

Results & fixtures
Friday January 7Group A
 Qatar 0-2 Uzbekistan

Saturday January 8
Group A
 Kuwait 0-2 China

Sunday January 9Group B
 Japan 1-1 Jordan
 Saudi Arabia 1-2 Syria

Monday January 10
Group C
 India 0-4 Australia
 South Korea 2-1 Bahrain

Tuesday January 11Group D
North Korea v UAE
 Iraq v Iran

"But football is something different, it's competitive. We are playing to win, they are playing to win. It has nothing to do with what happened in the 1980s.
"We have played against Iran for decades, we are rivals on the field. Nobody mentions the war now, it was beyond the reach of most people, it is history now."

الاثنين، 10 يناير 2011

car accident essay

Thousands of car accidents occur annually all over the world. In fact, someone is killed in a car accident every ten seconds in the United States and other countries. Most of these accidents caused by natural and man-made factors. Below there are the main causes of car accidents. These causes are very common. Some examples of causes are speeding, lack of attention and uncontrollable factors.

        Speeding is the main causes of car accident all over the world. One of the famous examples about over speeding car accident that the famous car crash which killed princess Diana in London. Another example of speeding accidents is illegal car racing in unsafe conditions. These illegal car races may kill many people when they crash into each other.

       Another cause of car accidents is lack of attention. The driver is expected to be cautious of the other cars around him on the road. Some examples of lack of attention that can lead to an accident include cell phones and other gadgets that drivers use as they drive. Cell phones, laptops, electric razors, etc. causes drivers to take their eyes off the road for seconds at a time with the potential to cause a serious, if not deadly, accident.
       Uncontrollable Factors: The third cause of car accidents is the uncontrollable factors. There are mainly two uncontrollable factors that can cause car accidents like the bad weather, sudden health problems and other technical factors like flat tyre, brake failure, overheating, etc.
These are all the factors that man has nothing to do with. Man is the victim of these factors. Weather - Something we have little control over is the weather. Conditions such as fog, rain and snow increase the chances of an accident, obscuring driver's sight and making it harder to stop in time. When driving in bad weather you should take all the recommended and necessary precautions to remain safe. Road design can also be one of the most dangerous causes of accidents.
An example of uncontrollable factors of car accidents can be seen when there is a long queue of accidents on the highway. Shoddy road maintenance — Highway maintenance is very important. However, many roads exhibit unsafe conditions like pot holes, uneven pavement and various other types of defects.   These conditions can and do lead to serious car accidents.  The best defense against accidents caused by such road defects is to keep your eyes open and never take it for granted that every roadway is well kept. When you find a highway too rough, try to avoid it altogether if possible.
       In conclusion, as discussed above, the man-made causes are more fatal, but at the same time can be controlled by some effort. The car accidents have many sources not only speeding, lack of attention or uncontrollable factors because there are many another causes of car accidents.

In the end, knowledge is power, so if you wish to stay safe and maintain the safety of those you love, keep the above information in mind and don’t become one of these unfortunate statistics. Safe driving!. In my opinion the cars are a gift to make our life easier why are we losing life through it.

mobile phone essay

((Mobile phones))

 Mobile phones or Cellular phones are the most popular and widespread gadget in the modern world. This product is used by all age groups and all social classes in a society. This comparatively small gadget has revolutionized the communication throughout the globe making communication between different parts of the world possible by merely dialing a few numbers. Based on the features and specifications of mobile phones, they can be classified into three types viz. symbian phones, smart phones and branded/designer phones.
            Symbian phones are those which have been available in market since long and have been slowly evolving to meet the modern day requirements. The symbian platform is a feature of all NOKIA phones to date.  The manufacturers of these phones mostly use the symbian platform that lays emphasis on enhancing talking time, compatibility with various band frequencies and some other complimentary features like cameras, music players etc. The symbian phones, in general, are very practical for daily use. They are classified to:
2G phones – These phones are called Second generation phones and are rarely found in modern markets as they are outdated. With the development of more complex operating frequencies, these phones are not suitable for use now, though they have their market in the under-developed countries where people cannot afford to pay a higher price. They mainly have primary features like voice calls and text messaging. Some of them may have cameras, radio and music player also, 3G phones – These phones are also known as Third generation phones and are well spread in modern markets. The main feature is their compatibility with 3G networks which provides the user a clearer voice with least interruptions, faster connectivity to the internet and enables video calls. Many features have been improved like cameras with higher definition, multimedia messaging, office applications etc. The price range of these phones is moderate but not very expensive.
           Smart phones are also called Fourth generation phones that have top class features. These are not mere phones but are pocket PCs. They can handle almost all the applications that can be done through PCs like superfast internet browsing including emails, instant messaging, multimedia sharing and much more. This performance can be explained through their processors that similar to those in PCs like windows, MAC and android. These processors support multitasks very efficiently and are user friendly. Besides communication, they are designed to provide good recreation and entertainment to the users through applications like instant messaging, YouTube, face book, twitter and much more. They are very ideal for business people and also to the youths. In many developed countries, they have ruined the market of symbian phones which has led the symbian manufacturers to adopt new features to help them survive in the market. The main disadvantage is their comparitively high price and also their very quick evolution that exceeds our own pace to catch up with the latest technology.
           Branded or Designer phones is the latest trend in the mobile phones market. This refers to the phones manufactured by well-reputed designers like Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, Vertu, Louis Vuitton and so on. These phones run on not very advanced platforms designed by some manufacturers in collaboration with these designers. The main feature of these phones is their sleek n lavish design that may include jewels like gold, diamond, sapphire and much more. The technical features are very limited like cameras, music players, text messaging, MMS etc. These phones are ideal to the sophisticated and elegant aristocrats of the society because of their brand. The major disadvantage of these phones is their very high price that may be equivalent to the price of a car depending on the material used in manufacturing it and also the name of the designer it holds.
          Whether symbian, smart or designer, mobile phones are an inevitable component of a modern society in developed, developing and under-developed countries. Because of these gadgets, the world is moving towards an era where communication using these gadgets would be available for all people at a negligible cost. Mobile phones have slowly evolved to mobile PCs and are slowly making a tremendous change in peoples attitude towards this small device. Coming Days shall reveal whether this evolution can be stopped or we must adapt to its aspects.


this picture has alot of information and mean that there are alot of information and artical

essay The Positive Impact of Media on Children and Young men

The Positive Impact of Media on Children and Young men

The essay addresses a very important topic about media and its impact on children and young man. It deals with the potentially positive effects of media on children. While nobody would deny the need to protect children from negative or harmful effects, it is possible that in doing so one may also prevent them from experiencing a range of positive consequences. Indeed, in some circumstances negative and positive effects may be impossible to separate.
For the reasons I have identified, research on children and media has been very much preoccupied with the search for negative effects. Nevertheless, a range of potentially positive effects can also be proposed, as follows:
learning – in relation to specific educational content or health messages, as well as general knowledge
language – language acquisition, and the development of skills in reading and written communication (for example, via the internet)
development of cognitive skills – for example, skills in spatial awareness, hypothesis testing or strategic thinking (for example, in computer games)
development of pro-social behaviour and moral values – tolerance, cooperation, and so on
awareness of social issues – for example, knowledge of current affairs, social problems or other cultures
social interaction – the role of the media as a basis for discussion within the peer group or family, as well as interaction through the media (for example, via the internet)
civic participation – the media as a means of promoting social awareness, volunteer activities and political action
creativity and self-expression – the use of the media as a means of
creating and distributing one’s own media products
cultural value – as with books or other cultural forms, media offer the
satisfactions of narrative, of pleasurable images, and of meaningful representations of the real world
identity development – like reading, media may help to develop imagination, empathy and a sense of one’s personal tastes and values
entertainment and relaxation
developing the ability to sustain attention – for example through concentration on a computer game
the encouragement of creative activities – play, ‘make and do’ activities, hobbies, reading, and so on.
Compared with the list of potential negative effects above, several of these
appear rather more nebulous: for example, what I have labelled entertainment  and relaxation’ or ‘cultural value’ are hardly best defined as ‘effects’ of the media, and they would certainly prove difficult to measure. One of the problems here is that we often seem unable to identify the beneficial aspects of what children do in their leisure time without constantly relating this back to some kind of educational benefit: children are often defined here, not as ‘beings’, with their own identities and experiences, but as ‘becomings’, to be judged solely in terms of their progress towards some imagined goal of mature adulthood (Lee, 2001). This can make it harder to justify children’s right to pleasure, entertainment and relaxation, although few would dispute the importance of such things for adults.
Most of the research in this field has also focused on outcomes in terms of
learning – primarily in relation to explicitly educational media, and to a lesser extent in relation to more general entertainment media. This may also reflect the fact that such effects are more easily measurable; although the process of measuring educational outcomes is often itself somewhat reductive. Broader arguments about the cultural and entertainment value of media have been made in relation to children’s television in particular, although claims for beneficial ‘effects’ in this respect are difficult to prove – just as they would be if one were to attempt to measure the same effects in relation to reading books, for example. (Indeed, it is notable in this respect that arguments about negative effects are hardly ever applied to another potentially influential medium – literature – because prevailing cultural assumptions focus so strongly on its benefits.
From this paper, we conclude that media has a very important role to play nowadays. It can shape a new community with new ideas and culture. It has the ability to raise nations to the top and get other nations down. The influence of media on people’s minds is innumerable. Some media can raise the fame of people who are not well qualified and can deteriorate people who are so smart and creative. From this and that, we should finally recommend using media in a good way for the good of people and it has to be true, real and targeting.

nice picture


these picture very interisting i like it because it reflects nutural.